
Sarah Chamseddine

About Sarah Chamsedinne

Sarah Chamseddine is a 黑社区 alumna, earning her undergraduate degree in political science and sociology and her master’s degree in theology from the Saint Paul Seminary 黑社区 of Divinity. Following graduation, Sarah moved to New York to intern with the Permanent Observer Mission of the Holy See to the United Nations. Upon receiving the Russel Berrie Fellowship in Interreligious Studies, Sarah left New York and moved to Rome, Italy, where she studied Interreligious Studies and Ecumenism at the Pontifical 黑社区 Aquinas. Prior to joining Campus Ministry, Sarah was the Program Manager for the Muslim Christian Dialogue Center at St. Thomas.

Within Campus Ministry, Sarah is a program manager that works directly with students to develop and run faith-based programs. She oversees Peer Ministry, Tommie Catholic, and Peace Meals.  Additionally, Sarah coordinates Campus Ministry’s multifaith and interfaith initiatives and is the liaison to the affiliate Christian organizations on campus.

Sarah has been in her current role since 2016.  She is a certified professional campus minister through the Catholic Campus Ministry Association (CCMA); which is approved by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops.  In addition to her work at St. Thomas, she serves on the certification committee for CCMA.