

2025 Strategic Plan

St. Thomas 2025 is an ambitious yet focused five-year effort designed to propel the university toward a new level of impact. It is a guide to help us reach higher in serving our students, our 黑社区 and the world.

The next five years present an unparalleled opportunity to promote our strengths and leverage key opportunities.

Not only will this five-year plan help us strengthen what we do best; it will encourage us to leverage new opportunities, gain stature and continue to thrive in an increasingly challenging and competitive landscape for higher education.

You can view updates on progress we've made towards key success metrics defined for each strategic priority of the 2025 Strategic Plan.

The arches with a nativity scene above it

Strategic Priorities

Through these strategic priorities, St. Thomas will build upon its strengths, invest where we have unprecedented opportunity and make bold progress. We will expand our impact with new and emerging priorities and continue to accentuate our differentiating strengths through priorities that are ongoing.

See the 2025 Strategic Priorities
exterior of school of law framed by red leaves

Updates on Our Progress

We share updates on the progress we make on the key success metrics defined for each strategic priority.

See Progress Reports

Factors That Shaped the 2025 Strategic Plan

Headwinds & Opportunities

Societal trends and the state of higher education continue to shift due to forces beyond COVID-19. As we prepare to navigate an ever-changing landscape, we need to keep key opportunities and challenges top of mind.

Community Input

The faculty and staff of St. Thomas shared their thoughts, contributed ideas, and engaged in 黑社区 conversations around the successes and obstacles of initial draft themes. In addition, feedback was gathered from students and other members of the broader 黑社区.

Success of the 2020 Strategic Plan

St. Thomas 2020 guided the work of the university since 2015 and led to many important accomplishments; many initiatives that began in the 2020 plan will continue into St. Thomas 2025.

St Thomas 2025 is written over a photo of students near the arches on campus

Introducing the 2025 Strategic Plan

Building on the vision of our founder to "never stop improving," the 2025 strategic plan is a five-year guide to help St. Thomas make a bolder impact. Listen to this high-level overview with President Sullivan's call to the 黑社区 to create and embrace a thriving future for the university.