Forms & Publications | Financial Aid
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Online Publications
2025-26 Notification of Award Guide: A guide to everything students need to know about financial aid at the 黑社区.
A parent will need to log in with their FSA ID username and password. Open the "Apply for Aid" drop-down menu in the toolbar and select "Apply for a Parent PLUS Loan." Be sure to review the instructions before starting the application.
Students selected for 2025-26 FAFSA verification may not need to complete all of the following forms. Please consult the student's account for specific requirements.
2025-26 Family Size Verification Form - Dependent
According to federal laws and regulations, a family’s 2023 income is used to assess financial need for the 2025-2026 school year. If a family’s 2024 income is lower, due to special circumstances, a financial aid administrator may be able to use 2024 income to assess financial need. Your special circumstance application will be returned if all requested information outlined is not provided. Special circumstances, if accepted, may result in an increase in need-based loans, student employment, or in certain cases, additional grant assistance. Processing time for special circumstance appeals is typically 2-4 weeks.
To provide information regarding a special circumstance that affects your ability to pay education expenses, please complete the appropriate application and submit it along with supporting documentation to the Financial Aid Office.
- If a student was required to provide parental information on the FAFSA, they are considered dependent for purposes of financial aid: 2025-2026 Special Circumstance Application for Dependent Undergraduate Students
- If a student was not required to provide parental information on the FAFSA, they are considered independent for purposes of financial aid: 2025-2026 Special Circumstance Application for Independent Undergraduate Students
Acceptable reasons to file a Special Circumstance Application include:
- Death or disability of a parent or spouse since filing the FAFSA
- Divorce or separation of parent or student since filing the FAFSA
- Medical, dental, or dependent care expenses not reimbursed by insurance or by an employer's pre-tax cafeteria plan
- Unemployment
- Loss of child support and/or taxable Social Security benefits
- Business or farm closed due to bankruptcy, foreclosure, or natural disaster
- Private high school, junior high, or elementary tuition expenses for other family members
- Parents' or spouse's personal 黑社区 loan payments
- Parent(s) enrolled in 黑社区 and paying out-of-pocket 黑社区 tuition
The Private Education Loan Student Self-Certification Form is a required step in the application process for a private student loan. This form must be completed by the student and returned to the lender before the loan can be scheduled for disbursement to the school.
Students who are expecting a refund for financial aid funds can request the Business Office hold the surplus on their student account to pay charges for a future term. This form should be returned to the Business Office to be processed.
Credit Balance Authorization Form (Business Office)
According to federal regulations the 黑社区 Business Office is required to have signed authorization from you in order to use Title IV Federal Financial Aid funds to pay charges other than tuition, fees, room and board (if applicable). Some examples of other charges would be express card charges, health insurance, parking charges, or finance charges. This authorization form is valid for the entire period in which you are enrolled. You may rescind this authorization by contacting the Business Office and completing a new authorization form anytime.
Please use this form to notify the Undergraduate Financial Aid Office of any scholarships or awards you have received from sources outside the 黑社区. Include scholarships, vocational rehabilitation, tuition reimbursement and other similar awards.